Uma Shanty is a homestay that has the concept of living in harmony with nature. Located in the village of saren – Budakeling, at the eastern end of the island of Bali. A village that is still very natural beautiful and peaceful, full of cultural and spiritual artistic value. Where Budakeling is known as the center of the development of Hindu Buddhism in Bali.
The dynamics of community life so united between nature, religious traditions and traditional ceremonies and cultural arts. Without losing a sense of tolerance, friendly attitude, kinship with other believers and visitors from outside the village, even Budakeling become one of the villages to be a beautiful example of the tolerance and peaceful coexistence with other people. Uma Shanty Homestay it self means: home in the middle of a peaceful rice field “as the name of Uma” surrounded by beautiful fields of rice fields, this makes Uma Shanty a good choice to eliminate all the fatigue and noise of the city atmosphere, as well as giving experience of life in nature rural areas filled with unique and fun things.
Uma Shanty adalah homestay yang memiliki konsep hidup harmonis dengan alam. Terletak di desa saren - Budakeling, di ujung timur pulau Bali. Sebuah desa yang masih sangat alami indah dan damai, penuh nilai seni budaya dan spiritual. Dimana Budakeling dikenal sebagai pusat pengembangan agama Budha Hindu di Bali.
Dinamika kehidupan masyarakat begitu menyatu antara alam, tradisi agama dan upacara tradisional serta seni budaya. Tanpa kehilangan rasa toleransi, sikap ramah, kekeluargaan dengan orang percaya lainnya dan pengunjung dari luar desa, bahkan Budakeling menjadi salah satu desa yang menjadi contoh indah dari toleransi dan hidup berdampingan secara damai dengan orang lain. Uma Shanty Homestay itu sendiri berarti: rumah di tengah sawah yang damai "sebagai nama Uma" dikelilingi oleh sawah yang indah, ini membuat Uma Shanty pilihan yang baik untuk menghilangkan semua kelelahan dan kebisingan atmosfer